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Breakout Multiplier Leverages Rangefinder

We know the market that we're in. We know the bad actors and the real actors when it comes to research. And we consider our research the tip of the sword. What we do know about this market is that most information is attained 3 ways.

  1. Via email (it's slow and inconsistent)
  2. Via text (see email)
  3. Via live room
Now - these methods are still viable but they aren't optimal. We know this. You know this. What you need is an instantaneous method for pushing price action targets and trades that queue with the market. If you combine that with items 1,2,3 (which we also do) you should be well ahead of the curve. This is why we built Rangefinder. 
We built this because the trading research and education world is evolving. Some people still like to send out 16-page PDFs with information that is weeks, if not months old. We don't live in that world. We live in the world that will shape your portfolio for the NEXT 50 years. And with that, we have made this for you.