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Gold Continues to Shine

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Gold bugs have seen brighter days.

Silver is underperforming Gold. The corrections in Platinum and Palladium are burrowing deeper beneath our breakout levels. And the Gold Miners ETF $GDX is printing fresh lows versus the broader market. 

It doesn’t sound bullish to me.

Yet gold futures are solid as a rock!

All Star Charts Premium All Star Charts Gold Rush

Commodities: Hunting for an Uncorrelated Trade

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

I’m avoiding the US dollar and interest rate chopfest.

That includes interest rate-sensitive commodities like crude, copper, and gold.

So, let’s check in with a commodity group that walks to the beat of its own drum…

The New York City Softs: Cocoa, Coffee, Cotton, and Sugar.

First up, Cocoa. 

All Star Charts Premium All Star Charts Gold Rush

Gold Passes the Stress Test

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Metals bulls are waking up following last week’s selling pressure.

Copper, Silver, Platinum: It didn’t matter. Base and precious metals took a hit.

It was ugly but not a complete disaster.

All Star Charts Premium All Star Charts Gold Rush

Copper’s Sharp Drop Shocks the Bulls

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Copper Springs into Action… Buyers Dig Copper… Copper, F%$# Yeah!

Those are a few titles I spitballed last night. But the markets wouldn’t have it.

This morning, the overall theme of the metals space turned on its head, trashing my bullish bias.

All Star Charts Gold Rush

Gold Rush: Updated Trade Levels

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

This week, I’m cutting straight to our trade ideas.

I’ve made a table of over thirty setups (the majority trending toward our targets).

And I’ll also update a few trade ideas with new entry levels and additional upside objectives.

Let’s dive in!


All Star Charts Gold Rush All Star Charts Premium

Gold Rush Mailbag: Making Sense of Last Week’s Selloff

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

I’ve heard JC say it many times… 

“You guys are the smart money.”

After spending a week with clients at our Portfolio Accelerator and fielding countless reader emails, I completely agree!  

All Star Charts Gold Rush All Star Charts Premium

Carbon Credit Demand Increases

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Don’t let a few days of selling pressure fool you.

Despite intense gold, copper, and crude oil pullbacks, many commodity-related assets are flashing buy signals.

For instance…

The Global Carbon ETF $KRBN:

All Star Charts Gold Rush All Star Charts Premium

Silver Celebrates at New Decade-Highs

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Silver futures are rising to the occasion.

The silver-to-gold ratio went from posting fresh six-month highs last Monday to hitting sixteen-month highs by Friday’s close.

Silver is ripping on absolute and relative terms, and this can mean only one thing: 


All Star Charts Gold Rush

Buy this Stock as Investors Reach for Rocks

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Mining stocks are sticking their breakouts as our list of trending tickers grows. 

The Junior Gold Miners ETF $GDXJ is breaking out, platinum futures are completing a yearlong base, and the silver-to-gold ratio is posting new highs.

All Star Charts Gold Rush

A “Wet” Breakout 2 Years in the Making

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Crude oil is searching for a foothold. Copper is climbing. And Gold is clinging to its record high.

Like most of the market, raw materials are weathering the storm with varying degrees of success.

All Star Charts Gold Rush

A Golden Opportunity for the Bulls

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Stock market bulls are scooping and scoring as the Nasdaq, S&P 500, and Dow indexes all see green. 

Stocks and rocks should benefit on the heels of renewed rate-cut hopes. 

Today, I’ll outline a name that checks both boxes. 

Spoiler alert: It’s a prime candidate for a short squeeze…