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The Widowmaker Prepares for Blast-Off

From the Desks of Ian Culley @IanCulley and Sam Gatlin @Sam_Gatlin

It’s time to buy natty gas.

A bullish momentum swing is on the verge of flashing green. And seasonal tailwinds are due to pick up as price pulls back. 

Plus, the dominant four-year cycle is approaching the next expansion phase.

Buckle up!

All Star Charts Premium All Star Charts Gold Rush

Gold: One Good Trend Pays for ‘Em All

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Gold’s failed breakout is testing investor resolve.

But let’s consider last week’s action before unearthing our bouillon.


All Star Charts Premium All Star Charts Gold Rush

Base & Industrial Metals: From Failed Breakouts to Fresh Breakdowns

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Risk assets are taking a hit.

The major equity indexes are seeing red. Crude oil is slipping below eighty bucks. And Gold is failing at new all-time highs.

Perhaps the markets are navigating the summertime blues – a tune base and industrial metal investors have been humming for months.


All Star Charts Premium All Star Charts Gold Rush

Mining Stocks > Shiny Rocks

Precious metals might be the most straightforward trade on the sheets right now.

Gold is ten bucks away from a new all-time high. Silver and platinum are holding above critical breakout levels. And mining stocks are ripping.

Close your eyes and take a swing. You’re bound to hit a winner.

All Star Charts Premium All Star Charts Gold Rush

Will Lumber Futures Shore Up the Stock Market Rally?

Today’s analyst meeting was one broken record after another as we ripped through the most important charts on the market.

Not a top, never hit oversold

Not a top, never hit oversold

There’s a raging bull market on Wall Street right now. 

But the fun and games will come to a screeching halt if the following chart rolls over.

All Star Charts Premium All Star Charts Gold Rush

It’s Peak Season for Silver

It doesn’t matter whether we’re talking about markets or summer vacations –  I always avoid the crowds and aim to beat the heat.

No lines. No traffic. No fake, overpriced food.

It also means dropping those hot semiconductor names and reaching for silver mining stocks…


All Star Charts Premium All Star Charts Gold Rush

Coal Stocks Catch Fire

Forget about the selloff in Bitcoin for a minute.

Coal stocks are ripping!

Perhaps they’re giving back some recent gains today, but most stocks are.

More importantly, Monday marked the largest one-day rate-of-change for our Coal Index since 2020…

All Star Charts Premium All Star Charts Gold Rush

Gold Rush: Reconnecting with the Primary Trend

Investors are becoming restless.

Silver is dancing around a significant breakout level. And Gold continues its sideways chop for the third straight month.

It’s certainly been a challenging time to hold precious metals trades – even for the most patient investors.

All Star Charts Premium All Star Charts Gold Rush

Silver Dares Investors to Buy the Dip

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Precious metal bulls are taking a stand.

It’s easy to overlook following Friday’s selling pressure. But price is respecting critical support levels for Gold, Platinum, Palladium, and even gold’s crazy cousin.


All Star Charts Premium All Star Charts Gold Rush

Time for the Cows to Head Home

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Cattle futures are defying gravity.

Unlike most commodities during this cycle (pick your favorite base metal or grain contract), cattle have yet to correct lower. 

Instead, they’re still hanging around new all-time highs.

Something has to give…