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Breakout Multiplier

Friday Thoughts and Portfolio Review

December 6, 2024

Happy Friday, folks.

It was another wild week in the market. Let's wrap it up with some portfolio maintenance and general thoughts about how we made out.

First, congrats to everyone who hit big with SoundHound.

These outlier trades are actually common with our system. And we need them because they pay for all the zeros.

If you let it ride, and you are up 25x today, fantastic. 

If you didn’t. Pay attention and learn from this. It is so important to let our winners run. This is why we sell the double so religiously. It puts our minds at ease, and with the comfort of knowing we can’t lose, we are more likely to let positions go. 

In the case of SOUN, the calls were cheap, so we could own more than just 2 contracts. Larger position sizes like this make our job easier. Use it to your advantage and scale out on strength in situations like this.

Breakout Multiplier

Disciplined Profit Taking from a 22x Trade

December 5, 2024

Today we held our Breakout Multiplier Weekly Strategy Session. If you’re not a member, click here to join us.

We do this every Thursday at 11 a.m. ET for Breakout Multiplier members, where we discuss new trades ideas, open positions and answer questions from the chat.

One of the key benefits of buying cheap call options on low-priced stocks is the flexibility they provide when managing and scaling out of positions. This becomes especially valuable when we hit a big winner.

Breakout Multiplier

SoundHound is a 10-Bagger

December 4, 2024

SoundHound is trading around 10x today. We paid $0.30 for these calls on October 14th, and they are worth about $3.20 today.

Since the calls were cheap, we bought more than we usually do in order to size the position appropriately.

This is always nice as it gives us the flexibility to scale out of the position. In other words, if we only buy two calls, and we sell one on the double, then we have no choice but to close our entire remaining position at the same time.

In the case of SOUN, calls were only $30 per contract, so I own a larger quantity than usual. I’m going to take advantage of this and scale out over time. I did the same thing with PTON when that position went more than 10x.

Breakout Multiplier

Green China

November 27, 2024

With the most speculative and beaten-down areas taking on new leadership roles, it’s tough to imagine China will sit out this rally.

Just about two months ago, Chinese indexes and individual stocks registered some of their best performances ever on a short-term basis.

We call these signals momentum thrusts, often marking the initiation of new uptrends. 

And a new uptrend is exactly what we think is coming for China following the recent corrective action. 

We’re going to outline a handful of trade ideas for this theme today and you can pick and choose and position size accordingly based on how much exposure you want. 

As for me, I’m putting on full positions for all of them and planning to add more China exposure soon.