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All Star Charts Premium

No One Watches Cable News Anymore

Most of us somehow know people who still consume basic cable television news.

It's like watching someone who's obese shop at the grocery store, buying all their cereal and "fat free" cookies. It's terrible. 

It's like seeing the alcoholic walk into the bar at noon and the bartender automatically knows to serve him the regular 2 shots and a beer.

The cable news people are the bartenders giving you the poison that you desire, at the worst possible time that they could possibly serve it to you.

It's like walking into a casino in Reno, NV to see people who have no money, are in terrible health, and have no business being inside a casino, sitting there all afternoon putting money into slot machines.

This is what the sick individuals who still consume basic cable news are doing to themselves.

It's sad to watch them struggle so much and slowly kill themselves. You may not see it easily on the outside, but their souls are dying or already dead on the inside. 

The good news is there are fewer and fewer of these suffering individuals left who are still poisoning themselves in these antiquated ways.

All Star Charts Premium

The Envy of the World

October 18, 2024

This is why we can't have nice things...

Did you notice that the journalists are catching on to these trends that have been in place for so long?

And not just any journalists. The most reliable contrarian indicators in the history of financial publications are telling you that the U.S. is the Envy of the World and they expect it to keep going - even after a decade and a half of this...

Here's the exact quote:

"The American economy has left other rich countries in the dust. Expect that to continue" - The Economist

So cringe.